NyKlang - Klang Festival Copenhagen Experimental Music Menu


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Leon Thomsen, Pelle Nyhuus, Jens Rønsholdt Madsen og Anton Mandix: GONG.
August Fogh Hauskov, Laura Dayani, Kasper Houmøller og Martha Bach Gislinge: Kun for dig.
Jonas Færgeman, Freja Karlsmose Kliem og Jacob H. Heidelberg: Waiting for your input…
Adam Lykkegaard, Umut Talay og Gustav Ertbølle Madsen: HVORDAN KOM I HER, HVEM DREJEDE JER MOD SOLEN.

Immediately after celebrating the past 15 years with Athelas Sinfonietta, we look to the future with NyKlang 2024 – a tour de chambre event presenting four new works composed and performed by young composers studying at MGK. We can expect Satie-inspired structural critiques, shredded micro-compositions, and AI co-creation. We can also expect the unexpected, as one group has chosen to keep their work a secret. NyKlang is a collaboration between Klang Festival and composer and teacher Daniel Fladmose, who has gathered the sixteen composers. The works have taken shape over the last 8 months, with mentoring from composer Jeppe Ernst. 

In Musikhuset’s appropriately named Royal Hall (Kongesal), the newly formed ensemble Monarkiet presents GONG – an exploration of the implicit absurdity of power structures, where one all-powerful conductor commands the other musicians. In Vækst we encounter Kun for dig (Only for you): a series of fleeting and intimate micro-compositions performed for one audience member at a time and immediately shredded afterwards. In the Black Box, Waiting for your input... opens an interactive, co-creative space where the audience’s inputs are directly realised on stage, but not all is what it seems. Finally, the Garden Hall’s HVORDAN KOM I HER, HVEM DREJEDE JER MOD SOLEN (HOW DID YOU GET HERE, WHO TURNED YOU TOWARDS THE SUN), remains a mystery, as the composers have chosen to not reveal any details ahead of time

Photo: Alexander Banck-Petersen


Musikhuset København

Vesterbrogade 59 1620 København V

> See Map


Leon Thomsen

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

Pelle Nyhuus

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

Jens Rønsholdt Madsen

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

Anton Mandix

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

August Fogh Hauskov

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

Laura Dayani

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

Kasper Houmøller

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

Martha Bach Gislinge

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

Jonas Færgeman

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.

Freja Karlsmose Kliem

Danish composer studying at MGK with teacher and composer Daniel Fladmose.