Kompopolex - Klang Festival Copenhagen Experimental Music Menu


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Sophie Søs Meyer: Bubble Honeycomb Coral (WP)*
Stellan Veloce: Mondo Manifest-o **
Kelley Sheehan: ''INEFFICIENT SKY"***
Agata Zemla: Simona (2021)
Monika Szpyrka: Angle of Reflection (2022)

* World Premiere, Commissioned By Klang Festival
**World Premiere
***World Premiere, commissioned by the Barlow Endowment for Music Composition at Brigham Young University

Kompopolex is a Polish trio consisting of percussionist Aleksandra Gołaj, accordionist Rafał Łuc, and computer musician Jacek Sotomski. Traversing the boundaries between classical music and conceptual art, the three musicians are frequently seen leaving their instruments in favor of dancing, singing, and navigating large amounts of cables. Throughout four pieces ranging from Stellan Veloce's exploration of 60's mondo movies to Kelley Sheehan's inefficient 3D – a piece about environmental noise, collapsing structures, and entropic material – and Agata Zemla's musical monument for the legendary biologist Simona Kossak, the audience will be able to experience the scope of the trio's experimentalist inclinations. 

Zemla's electroacoustic piece, Simona, for accordion, percussion, and live electronics utilizes spruce, pinecones, and journalistic material to commemorate the way in which Simona Kossak fought tirelessly for several years to protect the ancient Białowieża Forest while also bringing knowledge of the biological sciences to the masses through radio broadcasts – some of which are woven into the music of the piece. Veloce's Mondo Manifest-o is a series of short songs juxtaposed to each other like the shock cuts of the sensationalist mondo movies of the 60's. These films were characterized by their Eurocentric gaze on the variety of human rituals, and in Veloce's piece this morbid attention is directed inwards at western practices. Both pieces share with Sheehan's "entropic material" an approach to music which can almost be described as scientific. The concert also includes a piece by Sophie Meyer, who is also known to explore themes and techniques rooted in science. For instance, Meyer has investigated the possibility of adapting the process of cell division into sonic material. 

In collaboration with Heroines of Sound Festival in Berlin

Supported by 

HKH, Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Barlow Endowment for Music Composition, Dansk Komponistforening & Koda Kultur og Statens Kunstfond, ZAiKS Art Support Fund



Blågårds Pl. 5 2200 København

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Trio based in Wrocław specialising in new music. Often leaving their instruments in favor of cables, keyboards, dancing, or singing, the trio perform pieces that are engaged and engaging.

Sophie Søs Meyer (1991)

Danish composer, violin player, and improvisor whose work has drawn inspiration from various scientific and theoretical fields such as Object-Oriented Ontology and cell division.

Stellan Veloce (1985)

Berlin-based Sardinian multi-instrumentalist and composer. Their music focuses on timbral research, iteration, and modulations of sound densities, integrating composition with improvisation and band playing.

Kelley Sheehan (1989)

American composer and musician moving between electro-acoustic, multimedia, and performance art works. Her work focuses on sculpting noise, shifting materiality, housing structures, machinery, and grappling with the sustainability of electronics within a climate crisis.

Agata Zemla (1994)

Polish composer, multimedia artist, and biologist working in the area of engaged music. For Zemla, that means including journalistic content in her compositions and touching on political, sociological, psychological, and natural themes.