BørneKlang: Tone
8th June 12.00
On stage: Gertrud Exner and Claus Carlsen
Direction: Catherine Sombsthay
Set design: Claus Helbo
Costumes: Trine Walther
Stage Manager: Søren la Cour
Colors in music – music in colors. Tone is a musical theater installation with newly composed and improvised live music for children and their adult companions. Inside a huge, constantly moving mobile, two musicians move between the scenery and the audience, filling the room with a multitude of tones of both music and color. The music and the staging are a celebration of inventiveness, which takes the audience into the world of music and imagination – you can dream of a sunrise or a forest, a puddle or a flock of birds, see yourself in the reflections rushing by you, and become part of this concert for voice, bass clarinet, and all the colors of the rainbow.
On stage, the audience encounter actor, singer, and artistic director of TeaterBlik, Gertrud Exner, as well as musician and sound artist Claus Carlsen. Both Exner and Carlsen have over twenty years of experience with music and theater experiences for children, and they have collaborated countless times – for instance in the performance Tivoli, for which they received a Reumert in 2015. Tone was developed through a close creative collaboration with director Catherine Sombsthay, stage designer Claus Helbo, costume designer Trine Walther, and stage master Søren la Cour. Together they take the audience into a sensual and wondrous space of colour, light, and sound, rooted in both the imagination and the many miraculous phenomena of nature.
Støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Wilhelm Hansen fonden.
Dirch Passers Allé 4 2000 Frederiksberg
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Gertrud Exner (1972)
Actor, director, singer, and artistic director of TeaterBLIK. In 2015, she received a Reumert for children's performance of the year for her theatrical work 'Tivoli'.